Shin Center of Integrative Sports Medicine

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Numbness After the Surgery

T.C., Age 66 Accountant

Enjoys: Surfing, Basketball, Baseball with Grandson

When T.C. could not feel his right side a couple days after a benign tumor removal from the right side of his neck, he knew something was up. For the next couple of weeks, T.C. went back to his surgeon to fix the numbness. After several visits, what T.C. heard from his surgeon was not what he had hoped.

“My surgeon told me to ‘live with it,”

The surgeon had dismissed T.C. However, T.C. did not want to give up. He was determined on finding a doctor who can help with his condition. That’s when his girlfriend suggested Dr.Shin. After Dr.Shin’s treatments, T.C. could feel his right side again!

“After 4 visits with Dr.Shin, feelings to right side of my face and neck returned 100% after no feelings for about 1 month.”

T.C. now comes to see Dr.Shin for maintenance visits.